Dental implants  


   The dental implants is a specially designed and coated titanium screw insertion in the toothless jaw. Dental implantology is one of the most developing science of dentistry, implants are for more and more patients available. Basically, implants are suggestible in three case. In case of one missing tooth, implant fix the ceramic crown. It's benefit, that it is not necessary to prepare the adjacent, intact teeth.

   In case of edentolous area of the molar region, when the rehabilitation of chewing ability is traditionally a removable partial dentures, one or more implants can fix bridge. Full missing teeth when the conditions of immobilisation are the worst in the prosthesis, implant loading can be significantly improved stability.     

    The implantation procedure begins a thorough dental examination, orthopantomogram, planning.a thorough dental The options of surgical intervention are special instrumentation, preparedness, and sterile surgical conditions. During surgery, after local anesthesia and preparation of gingival flap, titanium implant will be screwed in a specified deep and diameter drilled hole. Then the gum tissues sutured. This procedure for the patient means like a tooth extraction.with The following healing period takes 3 months after implantation, while a strong bone connection develops between the titanium screw and the jaw bone. Despite the most careful procedure is also possible that the implant moves out, ejected, then a new one can be replaced.

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Missing tooth in the front area
Adjacent, intact teeth need to prepare to make a tradicionally bridge
Alternatively: an implant and a ceramic crown
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Missing teeth at the molar region
Tradicionally removable partial denture
Alternatievely: implants makes the possibív megoldás: az implantátum megteremti a fixen rögzített hídpótlás lehetőségét
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Full removable denture, the fixation on the lower toothless jawbone is often inadequate
The implants fixes the removable denture
Maybe with use of more implants a fixed bridge

      After the healing time at the next appointment healing cap is screwed into the artificial root and the shaping of gum begins the making of the dental prosthesis.


      The latest 3D CT X-ray and bone regeneration material techniques allow for a smaller bone in addition to be carried out on implants.

      We use the AB Dental implants.

      Implants fixed dental prosthesis requires a careful oral hygiene and dental inspection is required annually.

     The tooth implants for the patient's are more complicated, takes longer and much higher costs than a traditional prosthesis preparation. First, implantation is a successful treatment, implant fixed dental prosthesis are more comfortable and provide better quality of life for patients suffering from missing teeth.