Root Canal Treatment


       The deep cavity of tooth formed by the bacteria of the mouth cause inflammation in the pulp, then it dies. The degradable pulp tissue is an excellent culture medium for growth of bacteria. Then pathogens pass through the hole, where enter and leave the nourishing blood vessels, nerves, causing inflammation around the top of the root (apex). This process is very painful, a tooth extraction or root canal treatment can help.


6     The meaning of root canal treatment is the reaming of all root canals, cleaning and sterilizing with antiseptic solution. This requires the detection of root canal length with a special device. The purpose is to root canal be sterile because of lack of blood vessels, which die in the process, not the body's immune system nor antibiotics are unable to access bacteriaproliferatedin root canal. More root canal treatment may be needed until the symptoms will be gone, therefore, the patient's patience is also needed in order to keep the tooth. Then, the total length of root canals should be closed by root canal filling, to eliminate any "dead" space, then the hole in the crown must also be filled.In case of serious inflammation may need to give antibiotics and surgical intervention as well.


4      The single solution is teh root canal treatment to keep an inflamed tooth, but it is not 100% succesful. Curved, blocked or surcled root canals make it difficult or oneffective the treatment, however, in some cases, even in this case there is a solution in order to keep the tooth. Despite of the careful treatment, there is no healing, the tooth extraction is the ultimate solution.

      In addition, an acute toothache root canal treatment can also be indicated in case of injury of tooth, dead tooth, incomplete root canal filling (dental focal disease), extreme tooth wear, etc., which can be diagnosed clinical examination and X-rays.


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The inlets of the root canals can be seen before...
and after root canal filling. Only the aesthetic filling is missing.



1. Does it hurts to the root canal treatment?

      The majority of people are afraid of root canal treatment, but local anesthesia for root canal treatment can be painless and in some cases (when the tooth is already dead), or anesthesia would not be necessary. In some cases where more serious inflammation of the tooth, more anesthetic injection may also take place.

2. The dentist recommended root canal treatment, although that does not hurt my teeth. Then it is necessary for root canal treatment?

      If the tooth is demaged irreversible, the only treatment is a root canal treatment , the alternative treatment is the extraction of the tooth. The lack of root canal treatment can cause later dental focal disease or an acute inflammation . Let decide on the expert!

3. I do not want the root canal treatment. What other solution is there?

      The alternative to root canal treatment is toothextraction. But then a tooth loss is incurred, which replacement may require replacement of additional dental procedures. In general, typical, that despite the fact that the root canal treatment is not cheap, though, if it is possible, the cheapest and least destructive tooth surgery.

4. My tooth is root canal filled. Does the tooth no longer alive?

      That's right! The tooth has lost its living part, the pulp, but periodontal tissues hold it in the jawbone. No nerve, no cold or sweet sensitivity.

5. How durable is the root canal treatment?

      A root canal treated tooth is, unfortunately, more vulnerable, fragile, like a living one. First, during the root canal treatment the tooth dry out, the earlier caries the necessary of access to root canals weakens the tooth. There are many possibilities to recover the crown of the tooth, for example, aesthetic fillings, core building with post, crown.

6. Howlong does it take a root canal treatment?

      If the infection affects only the tooth, only one treatment need to clean root canals and make the root canal filling The following treatment is the restoration of the crown part, aesthetic filling or a crown.

      If the inflammation has spread to the bone and soft tissues, more treatment may be necessary, until symptoms terminate. Next can be made the a root canal filling.

7. Does the antibiotic cure toothache?

      No! Once a tooth becomes inflamed, it will also die sooner or later. Since the removal of the blood supply to the tooth, so neither immune system nor antibiotics can not get into the root canal, so pathogens can proliferate there. The purpose of the root canal filling is to eliminate all the pathogens in the root canal and the liquidation of access bacteria to the canal.

      In some cases, serious dental inflammation arises, the dentist can prescribe antibiotic, to help the immune system. Antibiotics should only be taking a proposal from a doctor and by regulations!