Treatment of parodontal diseases

     Besides the decay the other most common dental disease is plaque, tartar, gingivitis caused by plaque, parodontal disease.

    The basic treatment consists of two parts. The first is a thorough professional dental cleaning by dentist, during which tartar and discoloration will we removed. We use ultrasonic scaler and and polishing instuments. Deeper pockets may need a hand-held instruments to remove tartar and subgingival curettage of inflamed gingival pocket well.

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Huge tartar cover lower teeth.


After professional tooth cleaning. Under the tartar the inflammation of the gum can be seen. The healing of gum is achievable with good oral hygiene.


      The second part of the treatment is patient thorough oral hygienie at home for further, to which our special attention. In our personalized oral hygiene advice we give to all the appropriate means of oral hygiene and proper method can keep the teeth clean.

      Unfortunately, thetreatment of periodontal diseases is difficult, especially in severe cases, when deep gingival pockets have also been developed. If the demage of periodontal tissues reaches a certain level, the otherwise healthy tooth becoming moveable so that we decide to remove it.

Deep intraosseous pocket at the lower molar . The tooth was removed.